Sensitive Sessions
Firstly....Thank you for your interest in helping advertise my new sessions. I hope I can get you some lovely memories to treasure.

These sessions will take place at peoples park on the 21st July. Times will be sent out in the next few days.

Please fill out the info as much as possible.
  • Terms

    The Sessions are not a full SCP session. They will be 10-20 minutes to ensure a full portfolio is achieved before advertising these Special Sessions.
    The session will take place on the 21st July at peoples park.
    The images from the session will be used for advertising and portfolio purposes.
    Family is welcome at the sessions but the images taken will be at the decision of Sarah as this is for the purpose of portfolio building.
    As a Thank you for the session you may choose 1 digital Download free of charge and you will have the opportunity to purchase more at a considerably reduced rate if you would like.